
I need a drinky winky!

This is from an email I sent someone; I realized that I was spending all this time typing something very update-y, so here y'go:

I had a conversation last night with my sister who has decided to not have wine at her wedding, because she and hubby-to-be don't drink.
not for religious reasons, they just don't think that they should have to provide it, if they personally don't drink. I maintained my cool, providing rational arguments as to why that's stupid, for about 15 minutes, then I had to go. she is the most illogical bridezilla I have ever encountered.

Me, placating: "you know, it's your wedding, so of course you get to make most decisions, but the party is not all about you -- you invite people to come and celebrate with you, and when you invite people to a party you want them to have a good time."
Her: "Yes it is! It is all about me!"


Me: "ok, so you don't care if they have fun?"
Her: "well people shouldn't have to drink to have fun."
Me: "maybe you're right, but all fun weddings have booze. if you want people to dance, you must have wine."

still no dice.

Her: "Well, we don't smoke either, but we should provide cigarettes for everybody?"
Me: ...rage...


Me: you realize that the room is going to be full of flasks, right?
Her: that's fine, they can go ahead, but we don't have to provide it for them.
Me: [inside voice: so you're having a byob wedding?!] well you don't have to do anything...

and etc., etc., 'til I realized that she thinks I am a hopeless alcoholic with no morals whatsoever. whereupon I had to go "do homework".

I called my already-married sister who is the maid of honor and has less of a drunkard reputation than me, to try and influence the holy one. She was laughing her head off at the retarded logic of the bridal pair: "I'm just having water, so everyone else can just have water, too! I don't like carrots, so no carrots! I'm on a diet, no desserts!"

Relief, I felt, great relief, that sense was going to be spoken.

pansycline at 10:02 a.m.

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